[MeeGo-dev] libmeegotouch abi comparation
Andrey Ponomarenko
2011-04-04 08:55:29 UTC
we have a bit discussion if we can integrate newer libmeegotouch to
Meego 1.2.
Attached is report between integrated 0.20.89 and proposed current
upstream 0.20.100.
So any comments welcomed.
You've checked a lot of private header files (with suffix "_p.h"). I
suggest you to check public headers only. Run "make install" command in
the source package of libmeegotouch to install public headers. Also you
might be interested to see Upstream Tracker test results for
libmeegotouch versions [1].

I recommend you to use the latest version of ABI Compliance Checker
(ACC) tool [2-3]. It is 1.21.11 at the moment. You are using an obsolete
one (1.17.1) according to your report.

[1] libmeegotouch at Upstream Tracker
[2] ABI Compliance Checker (ACC)
[3] ABI Compliance Checker Downloads
Andrey Ponomarenko
Department for Operating Systems at ISPRAS
web: http://www.LinuxTesting.org
mail: aponomarenko-ufN2psIa012HXe+***@public.gmane.org